Wednesday 2 November 2011

Camera shots

Looking in and researching Into the different camera shots has made me realise how important it is to use the right shot in the right place as it can change the whole feel of the footage if the wrong shot it used. This is because it engages the audience in the wrong way or not at all, which then affects their view on the film. For our trailer we are aiming to use as many shots as we can, in the correct way in order to broaden our skills. We also think this will make our trailer more interesting as by making it more choppy and quick moving it will grab the audiences attention more as they would not want to miss it. One of the main shots we will be focusing on using is the close up, as a trailer is meant to advertise the film, key events or ideas that draw the audiences in are featured, one shot that appears to be the most common in film trailers is the close up, this could be because close ups are used when showing detail and to highlight the current emotions.

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