Wednesday 2 May 2012

How effective is the combination of your product and ancillary texts?

It would appear that the combination of both my ancillary texts and my product have a very strong link to each other. Whilst producing my ancillarys i made sure that all of them complied and related very well to my groups trailer. This was so that all 3 would be easily recognisable and relatable even if you are not viewing all three items at once.

Most of my fellow classmates chose to use a casual image of their main character for their magazine, wearing plain clothing. However i wanted it to be able to strongly relate to my film and therefore i chose to use an image of Josh Farrant in a Santa Suit in which he wears in the film, I felt that this would make it easier for the audience to recognise who he is and which film he is starring in. As he is smiling and dancing in it, therefore I felt that this would appeal to both our target audience and comedy lovers. It appears lighthearted and shows of some sort of sense of humor, which may not appear in the film. Therefore making the audience be able to relate to Josh as a real person and not just an actor in a film. I followed a colour scheme with my text which consisted of colours found in his outfit, this was to make sure that my poster looked professional and did not clash.

This is my film poster, I used the clone stamp in order to clone images of a females face to place all over the background, not only did this make it appear creepy and as though there were faces in the wall, but also she does not feature in the trailer which gives a sense of mystery as you do not know who she is. I used an image which was shot from below which gives the main character a dominating feel, making the audience, in turn, fear him. You are not able to see his eyes and therefore are not able to make out properly what he looks like, which makes you not be able to form a friendly relationship with him. He looks daunting and emotionaless as is face and body is positioned in a deadpan stance making it appear as though he has no emotion. I used scratched out and faded writing in order to give some sense of decay to my image which seems to relate to the majority of horrors as a lot of things are run down and not looked after. I made sure that I used a very plain colour scheme in order to make the main character really stand out and 'pop'. This would draw the attention to him. I also followed this colour scheme through onto the text by using the mustard yellow from his belt on a previously directed film called 'Interrogation'. and the reds from his suit on the names of people for example; Directors and Producers.

The film trailer works well with both the Magazine and the film poster as you can tell that they are all related to eachother, i think i made a good descision with using similar images for my two ancillary texts and my trailer as you able to easily distinguish that it is the same film.

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