Wednesday 2 May 2012

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

I found that the Audience feedback really helped me when it came to refining my work, it made me take my work and look at it from an outside perspective. I made sure that I asked extremely honest people as I wanted to recieve constructive critisism so that i would be able to improve the products in which i had produced.

My film magazine I asked A fellow student 'Laura Sanderson' to critise my work so that i would be able to improve it. I filmed her talking about my work so that i would have a filmed documented piece of work. These will be uploaded on a seperate post above.

I also asked a selection of 25 adults what colour scheme they thought would fit a horror film the best (poster wise)

Black and White    1
Black and Red       12
Green and Red       2
Purple and Black   4
Purple and Red      5
Other                      0

I therefore took into consideration the research in which i gained from an audience and decided to edit my poster into a black and red colour scheme.

After creating a few mock ups of both of my poster and asking people their opinions, it made me realise that my own personal thoughts on the products were no longer important, instead i had to start worrying about what other people thought as thats what really matters. I assumed that both males and females would have had a different take and ideas on how i should present my work, however i was extremely wrong and it appeared that both males and females had the same ideas as to how products relating to horror films should look and appear.

Joe Dodds: It is a very original topic and concept, I really enjoyed watching the trailer and felt that both of your products suited your work very well. The way in which you presented the trailer, particularly the darkroom scenes, i thought was very impressive as not many people use that idea in films, therefore this makes it stand out from others and attract a larger audience. I would definitely watch this if the film was ever to be produced. However some of the footage could be a bit bright so that you are able to see all of the surroundings.

My reply: The comment on the brighter footage does not really apply to my footage as we were following the standard codes and conventions of a horror film.

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